Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I wanna be a Star!
And when I shine, I want a house somewhere far.
Dreamin big has got some of us pretty far,
So I have only one wish, and that is to be a star!

When we're young we all dream of these glamorous lives we hope to be famous someday, and while some of us will make it big time, some of us don't choose paths that will lead us down that road. Not every major in college will make us famous, actually not many other than acting or vocal training will. But then you have your rare case of communications majors, trying to be either on tv, behind the camera, or in a magazine. The magazine chic is who I hope to be, but if it doesn't work out for me, I'll be some
ones star

I'm a star, Or I'll be a star,
But fame and and flashing lights are not all stars are.

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