So I'm reading this rather disturbing book for my intro to sociology class... The Painted Bird... and I find myself restless at night because the book is giving me nightmares! Now before you think I'm a little punk, the nightmares aren't your everyday kid fears coming to life.. they're some real life type dreams that are only nightmares because if they were to really be going on, we would ALL be terrified... So I'm sharing (you know, talk about your bad dreams to make them go away?) SO this is my disclaimer: I dream pretty weird, but this stuff is pretty deep.
America, the beautiful.
And she just got ugly. Reallll ugly.
You reach into your pocket, but where's all your money?
Plastic in your wallet is suddenly hard to find..
Now remember you're sleeping, this is only in your mind,
But the federal reserve slacking? They always on they grind!
Afraid to walk the streets because you just might get mugged,
It's like your favorite city to spend in had their registers unplugged...
Come on now, New York City deserted? Impossible..
No, not quite.. actually, very possibe..
Currently trying to avoid an eminent recession,
We have one last crisis for the Bush administration.
Go ahead, try to make it right,
Cause if you've been trying, I think you destroyed us over night.
I mean how bad is it that the whole world, and everyone in it, is taunting me in my dreams...
Time to turn over, (to get out of this seemingly bad dream)
But now I'm hearing my potential career wont find a place for me,
It's just not who I'm supposed to be.
But how can you even say that to me?
I'm a writer! This is where I NEED to be! See?
And I throw a story at my editor,
It's ok. but it could definitely be better.
so what should I do?
Newspapers are dying out anyway, and magazines are soon to follow,
SO take a deep breath, close your mouth and swallow,
The air of this room that wont be here tomorrow.
It's not the end be rid of your sorrow.
But know that your writing style, no one will want to borrow.
Oh hell no... Turning over